Death by Coorporation on KRCL

On Thursday evening, Sept. 12, our President, Dr. Brian Moench, and Executive Director, Jonny Vasic, were on KRCL’s radioactive program discussing “barefoot economics,” a more sustainable philosophy of economic growth, and Dr. Moench’s new book, “Death by Corporation: The killing of humankind in the age of monster corporations.” The discussion begins at 38:20 in the podcast.

KRCL Studio

The book is about how we have allowed international corporations to dominate world economic activity. Furthermore, we have given them license to conduct their business in such a malevolent way that they not only cause mass destruction of the planet and threaten our future, but literally kill people by the millions, and in some cases, by the billions, in the name of profit.

While it’s a depressing read, it’s vastly informative, and should motivate readers to support legislation and politicians that will reign in “monster corporations.” UPHE is using the book as a fundraiser. When this book is purchased at proceeds can go UPHE.…/ref=smi_www_rco2_go_smi_g3905707…